Vibrant Mama Wellness, LLC
Hi there! I'm so excited you're looking to get more support on your pre/postnatal fitness journey!

I am a firm believer that there is not a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to fitness, especially during pregnancy and postpartum.

I also know that life as a mom is chaotic AF. You can't predict what's going to be happening next month, 2 weeks from now, or even tomorrow- so having a workout plan that is realistic and doable even when you feel like a chicken with your head cut off is PARAMOUNT. 

Because here's the tough love: 
If you cant get it done when you're busy, you're never going to see the progress or results you want. 

With Vibrantly You® Custom Fitness you will receive customized workouts that are continuously updated and monitored (along with my expert coaching) so that all you have to do is SHOW UP and workout! I take care of all the rest. 

This is for you if:
  • You're in a place in your life where you have the time and energy to invest in your workouts 
  • You enjoy working out but you feel stuck with your current routine and/or completely overwhelmed with what you're supposed to be doing. You thrive with accountability and structure, and want someone to help you each step of the way
  • You understand quick fixes aren't real and you're in this for the long haul! You trust the process, and know that consistency is key

This is not for you if:
  • You are lacking the time and capacity to commit to a structured workout program 
  • You're not interested in communicating with me about your workouts
  • You're looking for a quick fix and don't actually want to workout

Okay - now that we got that out of the's the deal! 

This program will open up in October, and spots will be limited. If you want to be the first to know when it opens (and get it at the lowest price), add your name to the waitlist below! 

(scroll down for pricing info and what's included!)

Coming Soon!
What you get:
  • Comprehensive intake and movement assessment
  • A user-friendly app where your workout plan lives (includes video examples of every exercise and customized instructions/cues)
  • Educational videos on specific pre/postnatal topics such as core & pelvic floor, birth prep, healing Diastasis Recti, and more 
  • A customized fitness plan (3 or 6 months) that you can do at home or in the gym that is tailored to your pregnancy/postpartum experience and goals (updated weekly to acomodate your changing schedule)
  • Weekly written check-ins to assess progress and check form 
  • Unlimited text/voice memo support 
  • Optional monthly call to check-in or do a live training session 
  • BONUS: 30 minute virtual Pelvic Floor PT consultation with Dr. Olga Treko 

  • 3 month program: $349 USD per month (pay in full discount of $100 off)
  • Length can be customized for pregnancy 
  • Note: when this launches publicly, price will increase to $399 per month